When I write, I have a rather odd method that seems to work for me. I finish the absolute rough draft on a book and start plotting for the next one right away. It usually takes me a day of staring at the computer screen or a candle flame to plot out my next book to my liking. Then I start my writing process and meet the characters and find out if they match my inital rough ideas. In the morning, I edit the rough draft WIP. In the afternoon I write the new WIP.
This works well for me in a couple different ways. I have the benefit of taking my mind totally off the old WIP and this helps to give me a more objective view on the story/grammar/etc. When I work on my new WIP, the mistakes of the old WIP are still fresh in my mind so I find it easier to avoid those blunders as I write my new story. Working on two books at once also helps me avoid storyline burnout by giving my brain something to play with other than just one set of characters.
Today is an exciting day for me. My next WIP is plotted out, an erotic romance thriller/adventure, and ready to go. My old WIP, erotic paranormal romance, is ready to be polished and massaged until it's ready for submission. Two very different books, but both filled with characters, romance, and plots that I adore.
Life is good. :)
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